risk management


Parsing the Dynamics of Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) Funds

Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) funds, which seek to take advantage of changing market conditions while maintaining a globally diversified portfolio, have suffered recent underperformance.  MPI was asked by Institutional Investor to look at some of the funds that have received the most interest from investors.


Does Risk Parity Maximize Risk-adjusted Returns?

This white paper looks at the period of the increased volatility in the financial markets leading up to and on November 8th and provides valuable insights into internal workings of risk parity strategies during periods of heightened volatility.


Like That 40% Return? Better Understand Risks First.

A July 20th WSJ article featured Quantedge Capital, a quantitative global macro hedge fund manager that gained 40% after fees year-to-date through June. We provide a quantitative insight into potential sources of such performance.


Risk Parity and Brexit: A Volatility Surprise!

Risk parity strategies hold the promise of smooth sailing through periods of market turbulence, offering consistent performance via risk diversification. However, during Brexit the losses they experienced were very high by historical standards as they came very close to exceeding, or exceeded, the 95% worst outcome as estimated by the historical VaR.


Smarter Beta? Part 1 of a Series on Multifactor Smart Beta ETFs

The questions fueling “smart beta” debates carry on, but that hasn’t stopped a number of providers from launching a “smarter” product – and from picking up assets as a result. In this first post of a series, MPI will begin to explore multi-factor smart beta, an up-and-coming take on the strategic beta concept.