Reporting Solutions

Whether you are an asset owner, consultant, asset manager, wealth manager or plan advisor, MPI Stylus suite reporting capabilities can dramatically improve your ability to create and share dynamic investment insights with internal teams, clients and prospects.

Asset Owner & Consultant Reporting Solutions

Generate powerful reports outlining nearly any individual fund, fund peer group or fund universe characteristic or set of characteristics you would like. Our extremely flexible reporting solution integrates with proprietary and third-party performance data to provide a powerful drag-and-drop reporting framework that generates highly customized, visually dynamic reports. Learn more about MPI asset owners and consultant solutions.

Advisor & Wealth Manager Reporting Solutions

Whether you are focused on traditional manager search and selection, alternative investment analysis or asset allocation services, our reporting solutions can help you identify and share deeper investment insights through more visually dynamic reports. With MPI’s reporting solutions, you will be empowered to create custom reports that address almost any client need that can arise. Learn more about MPI advisor and wealth manager solutions.

Asset Manager Reporting Solutions

Excellent product design must be paired with smart product marketing, and MPI solutions are built to deliver both. Our solutions offer unparalleled analytical and design flexibility for creating striking marketing materials that help differentiate your products from competitors. You can also automate your reporting process, freeing up time are resources to focus on other aspects of your business. Learn more about MPI asset manager solutions.

Retirement Plan Advisory Reporting    Solutions

Producing the analysis and reporting required to win and retain new clients can burden even the largest of firms. Our reporting solutions help you streamline that process, improve team efficiency and reduce costs. Instead of juggling multiple analytics and reporting applications to produce the content your business needs, leverage a single solution to seamlessly produce and present institutional quality reports to clients and prospects. Learn more about MPI retirement plan advisory solutions.

Learn how MPI Stylus solutions can help you create and share more dynamic investment insights.