Monitoring & Surveillance

Providing a quantitative approach to analyzing fund or product performance, whether you are an investor monitoring post-allocation fund behavior or an asset manager surveilling your own products for compliance purposes.

Investment Monitoring

Due diligence shouldn’t end at the point of allocation. MPI Stylus suite empower investors, consultants and advisors to continuously monitor investments by enabling them to identify and examine the relationships between individual fund and product characteristics and their respective peer groups.

  • Gain insight that traditional, non-visual analysis may overlook.
  • System flexibility supports custom analysis based on your specific needs.
  • Dynamic, visualization tools reveal deeper peer group performance insights.

Product Surveillance

Product development, risk and compliance teams at asset management firms leverage our technology to flag sudden changes in behavior across their portfolio of products.

  • Visualization tools enable continuous monitoring for thousands of products.
  • Ensure products behave in a manner consistent with their stated investment objectives.
  • Predictive dynamic modeling can serve as early warning system for compliance.
  • Leverage the same surveillance technology as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Learn how you can improve your monitoring and surveillance process using MPI Prospector.