For Due Diligence Teams
MPI's proprietary solutions give due diligence teams the power to automatically monitor their product shelves for red flags across a range of quantitative metrics; place products on watch lists; and conduct manager searches when products require replacement.
MPI’s proprietary solutions give due diligence teams the power to automatically monitor their product shelves for red flags across a range of quantitative metrics; place products on watch lists; and conduct manager searches when products require replacement.
Build and Monitor Product Shelves
Create investment lists by product type (i.e. fund, hedge fund, separate account) and monitor relevant data from leading 3rd-party providers and/or your own proprietary databases.
Build quantitative red flags by product type to ensure that your due diligence process tracks each fund across a range of the most crucial metrics and demonstrates your commitment to sound due diligence principles. Create Watch Lists for funds to evaluate them over some specified time period, such as four quarters.
Advanced database capabilities allow linking with SQL, Access, and other structured databases, as well as MS Excel, to import key qualitative information, analyst notes, and other data for inclusion in your reports.
Create models/portfolios and test against scenarios/market conditions to determine the impact of product or category replacements.
Find & Compare Replacement Products
Use our powerful screening tools to filter peer universes down by criteria including investment mandate, share class, fee structure, performance, risk, and other key criteria. Funds may be quickly compared against the prior investment choice, other contenders, and the peer universe at large.
Our screening and analysis tools, combined with our model/portfolio testing and comparison capabilities, enable you to visualize the impact of adding, rebalancing, or deleting product types or categories in your product shelf, as well as screen for specific investment options in these spaces.
Create and automate reports to document your decision-making process and share relevant information with your board/investment committee, and your compliance/risk teams.